Friday, July 31, 2009

Last Entry

Hi all!

Well the last one for a while anyway. As I am leaving Monday to go on vacation, I get to start putting everything together today. Yesterday, I made a list of everything I plan to take with me, so the actual packing shouldn't be too difficult, except that I am the messiest human on the planet-so people keep saying. So today I get to go digging through things and seeing what needs to be washed and all that. I think it is more work to get ready for a vacation than an actual job is.

I'm planning on bringing a notebook with me to write, as we won't be going out much. However, I am worried that not being able to write the first four days will screw me over as far as my story goes. I'm not going to use this as an excuse, though. I just tend to worry too much over somewhat dopey things. Not to say I am a dopey person, I'm not. Basically, I overstate any issue that comes up in my life.

I hear thunder in the distance, so I am signing off here. I'll see everyone when I get back. Until then, happy writing everyone.

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