Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I'm Back

Hi guys!

I can't believe I let over a month pass without giving an update. Things at my house have been somewhat on the crazy side. On top of everything, we started this month off with having a snow storm that knock out my electricity. If this was a result of that, I'll never know, but the following day I managed to have four seizures by noon. The doctor claims there is nothing for me to worry about I am not sure about that. I have zero memory of most of what occurred the next two days. I even forgot to call someone!

Anyway, ever since then I have been enduring odd periods of time when I am so weak I can hardly sit up. I have work on my writing as much as I can, but I honestly do not believe I am being very productive. And the stuff I am producing makes zero sense. Even to me.

I need to go now. I still want to attempt to force myself to be "normal" no matter how much I feel like crawling into bed and staying there.