Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Happy September

Hi All

I am back again with another post. Of late, I have manged to force myself to write a little each day. Unfortunately, this week I am going through a semi emotional time. I'll admit I did cry some in the beginning, but as the day went on more positive experiences took place.

With the support of family and friends, I know I shall be able to get past my problem. Perhaps in doing so my writing abilities will improve. Aside from that, someone requested volunteers to help with a local fund raiser, so I plan to help with this.

Thanks everyone for your patience and kindness. Despite not taking any advice given, I want everyone to know that I did listen. Ug! This post has strayed so far from anything to do with writing. Sorry guys. I needed to get some things off my mind. I am off now, for lunch, and more writing.