Friday, December 11, 2009

On Writing

Hi Guys!

No. I haven't decided to steal any part of Stephen King's biography. I have my own thoughts to share. In talking with a friend yesterday it came out that I could have possibly worked with this same idea for so long that I ran it into the ground. Prior to yesterday, I never really pondered this. As I mentioned yesterday, I am in the process of creating character charts as well as outlines and summers for a competition I decided to get involved in.

At my friend A.'s suggestion, I am going to put this idea on the back burner for now and start fresh. I am not going to work on this either,but I just thought of something. A while back I dabbled in fanfiction(okay I never finished that story either), but when I started with something new the ideas flowed with greater ease. I'm sure some of it had to do with the fact I already had the majority of my characters created for me, but the new ideas were easier to work with.

I am going to apply this same technique to my original fiction. I don't know at this point if I will end up writing YA as I wanted originally. That is not important to me anymore. All I care about is having a well planned novel by January first of next year.

Some time ago, I found something called a plot bank on-line. I think I am going to skim it for plot ideas later today.

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