Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Novel

Hi everybody!

Well I would love to say my novel is going exactly as I planned for it to. However, like most things I, or anyone for that matter, set out to do, it seems to be getting off to a very slow beginning. Okay. I took a couple of days and did some planning and fleshed out some of the story characters. I am not clear if that is actually counted in the writing. If it is, I am doing semi descent. It helps that I'm no longer forced to share my computer with my mother, as she finally got hers back.

I have officially started the writing today. Because I created characters and did outlines and the like, that should probably go a bit more smoothly. Then again, I've never gone through the entire preparing process before hand, so we will just have to wait and see.

I cleaned up my writing area yesterday somewhat. Of cource, now I can't find anything. This is why I shouldn't put my things in their designated location. Only when my things are sitting in randome locations am I capable of finding them. Such is life I suppose. Does anyone else go through this besides me? If they do, any tips to help me work around this issue?

Now that I have wasted a small amount of time, I'm going to get down to the nitty gritty and write! I'll report in a few days and let everyone know if all this prior work was of any help to me.


Anonymous said...

Well, I think that you're simply used to where things are right now.

The same will happen when you start putting things where you WANT them to go. You'll get used to it the same way. You'll be able to find them just fine, because they will be in "their" place. i.e. books on the shelve, extra pens in the mugs/jar on your desk...whatever works for you.

Sometimes it's better to keep things you use daily, close at hand.

Jewel Allen said...

Good luck with the writing!

One shouldn't fuss too much about where to write, but I agree, it makes a difference if it is set just right.

-Jewel from AW

Alycia said...

Yeah. That is probably so. I'll keep that in mind.