Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Election

Hi all!

I know I said this journal was going to be for writing, but I think this is important enough to mention, as well. As ashamed as I am to admit this, I usually ignore the news totaly. Today, however, I find myself watching all of what I usually call "the boring stuff" as I work. This is definately a major milestone for the United States.

When I was still in school, on the day the new president was sworn in, my class ate lunch in the classroom so we could watch it. Back then, I think that was more for the teachers than the students. Most of my friends, at least, couldn't care less who ran the country at the time. I know I didn't!

Okay. So far all I have done is talk about myself and my life. That was not the point of this entry. The actual point was the observe how far along the country had come. When George Washing was elected many years ago, I am not sure he would have ever thought decades later a black man would be chosen as president. Although she didn't get far in the running, it was also the first election when a woman ran for this office. That, too, was a major step.

It probably sounds like I am repeating things I've heard others say. I'd like to take a moment to let you know this wasn't the case. I am just having a difficult time describing everything that is going on. I guess I should've been paying closer attention last year.

Anyway, I am going to sign off now. Hope everyone had a great day.

1 comment:

Race said...

Sometimes I wonder what all the great American historical figures would feel if we brought them forward to our time. Probably way more out of place than we would going back to their time.
Maybe I read too much historical fiction, though. :)