Friday, August 28, 2009

Is It True?

Hi guys,

I have been working on my writing this week, but somehow it doesn't matter to me anymore. I'd made a pact with a fellow writer to help "kick each other in the ass". She maintained her part of the bargain, yet I did not. Last night, she commented I did not really care about her. This is most certainly a falsehood. That being said, the friend in question is correct in several respects. My actions don't mirror my words. On the rare occasions I do manage to talk about writing as I promised, I talk about myself and NEVER ask how hers is. Or, if I do, I say okay and steer the conversation back to myself after a few seconds.

My friend keeps giving me chances and I waste them. I do not blame her in anyway, as she has done nothing wrong. Truthfully, if I were her, I'd of given up long ago. Writing isn't always about the amount of writing completed, or what is sent out, or published. A good majority of it is helping out fellow writers in distress, work or personal. When I am stuck on a writing question, or having a bad day, she talks with me and helps me through it. What do I do when the situation is reversed? Basically, push her aside and say "I am important and you are not!"

Last night I argued that I was not selfish. Well, after laying awake for hours last night, I came to the realization that I am. I also realized this is one problem I can't get a friend, or family member to help me solve. The only one that can tackle this one is me, myself, and I.

My friend and I keep talking about making personal goals for our lives. I am making a new goal here and now. I WILL think about others more-especially my writer friend-and be concerned with myself less. If I do not do this, I would like someone, if only virtually, to kick me in the pants!

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