Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year, New Beginning

Hi all. I have decided to use the birth of the new year as a fresh start to my blog. I have tried to maintain such bloggs in the past and failed miserably. I am determined to have this one be a success.

I have been trying in vain to write a young adult novel since I was in high school. As I will also be working on submitting various short stories, I am unsure if the novel will be completed before 2010. However, I definately intend to make some progress. The idea I have been pushing does not seem to be working. So I am going to begin yet again. This time I intend to use a fresh idea.

Speaking of writing, I intend to be more persistant in completing and sending children's books. I want to move out of my parents house. I can't do that until I find some way to make a money-or marry a very rich man. I am twenty-five years old! It is high time I get off my ass and do something with myself.

Oh! I had the link to something called a plot bank posted in my blogg before. It was a big hit, so I am going to repost it here. For now, though, I am signing off. Happy writing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, sweetie, sending good thoughts for a great New Year.