Friday, January 30, 2009

A Writer's Dedication

Hello all!

I trust that since it is Friday morning many of you are busily trying to get through your final work day and begin your weekend. I've been up for a while myself, but am just now about to start actual writing.

Before I did so, however, I wanted to make a mention of a conversation I had with a fellow writer yesterday. She pointed out to me that unlike most writers I basically have an infinate amount of free time, but very seldome do I use that time to my benefit. In between things like favorite television shows and pulling my dogs away from the windows, quite often whole days pass with nothing accomplished. In any case, my friend is unhappy with her work habits, also.

She suggested we each set a word goal for the day. I am looking at it as though it is sort of a writer's work out. I am going to get my productivity into shape! I was afraid of overwhelming myself, so we set the "beginners" goal to be 600 words per day Monday-Friday with no excuses. Weekends are optional.

I probably won't write on my weekends, with the exception of something hindering me from working during a normal work day. Moreover, I am determined to start treating this as a real "job". That means no tv during the day. No answering the phone-unless it is my parents, of course. Basically, I won't allow myself to do anything my parents can't do while working. I'll be charting my progress each day, as well. My writing buddy and I are hoping these things will help motivate us in the right employment direction.

I have sat here long enough. It's time for me to do some real writing!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Election

Hi all!

I know I said this journal was going to be for writing, but I think this is important enough to mention, as well. As ashamed as I am to admit this, I usually ignore the news totaly. Today, however, I find myself watching all of what I usually call "the boring stuff" as I work. This is definately a major milestone for the United States.

When I was still in school, on the day the new president was sworn in, my class ate lunch in the classroom so we could watch it. Back then, I think that was more for the teachers than the students. Most of my friends, at least, couldn't care less who ran the country at the time. I know I didn't!

Okay. So far all I have done is talk about myself and my life. That was not the point of this entry. The actual point was the observe how far along the country had come. When George Washing was elected many years ago, I am not sure he would have ever thought decades later a black man would be chosen as president. Although she didn't get far in the running, it was also the first election when a woman ran for this office. That, too, was a major step.

It probably sounds like I am repeating things I've heard others say. I'd like to take a moment to let you know this wasn't the case. I am just having a difficult time describing everything that is going on. I guess I should've been paying closer attention last year.

Anyway, I am going to sign off now. Hope everyone had a great day.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Novel

Hi everybody!

Well I would love to say my novel is going exactly as I planned for it to. However, like most things I, or anyone for that matter, set out to do, it seems to be getting off to a very slow beginning. Okay. I took a couple of days and did some planning and fleshed out some of the story characters. I am not clear if that is actually counted in the writing. If it is, I am doing semi descent. It helps that I'm no longer forced to share my computer with my mother, as she finally got hers back.

I have officially started the writing today. Because I created characters and did outlines and the like, that should probably go a bit more smoothly. Then again, I've never gone through the entire preparing process before hand, so we will just have to wait and see.

I cleaned up my writing area yesterday somewhat. Of cource, now I can't find anything. This is why I shouldn't put my things in their designated location. Only when my things are sitting in randome locations am I capable of finding them. Such is life I suppose. Does anyone else go through this besides me? If they do, any tips to help me work around this issue?

Now that I have wasted a small amount of time, I'm going to get down to the nitty gritty and write! I'll report in a few days and let everyone know if all this prior work was of any help to me.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Medical News!

Hi all!

Yesterday my dr. told me my siezure count was back down enough so that I could resume a normal life. Heck, he even inquired why I wasn't in college or working. So in short, it's back to writing I go. Wish me luck.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year, New Beginning

Hi all. I have decided to use the birth of the new year as a fresh start to my blog. I have tried to maintain such bloggs in the past and failed miserably. I am determined to have this one be a success.

I have been trying in vain to write a young adult novel since I was in high school. As I will also be working on submitting various short stories, I am unsure if the novel will be completed before 2010. However, I definately intend to make some progress. The idea I have been pushing does not seem to be working. So I am going to begin yet again. This time I intend to use a fresh idea.

Speaking of writing, I intend to be more persistant in completing and sending children's books. I want to move out of my parents house. I can't do that until I find some way to make a money-or marry a very rich man. I am twenty-five years old! It is high time I get off my ass and do something with myself.

Oh! I had the link to something called a plot bank posted in my blogg before. It was a big hit, so I am going to repost it here. For now, though, I am signing off. Happy writing!