Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Hi guys!

I know a few weeks back I wrote about how I was all excited about taking part in a writing contest. Now I am not even sure I will. In fact, I am not even sure I should be writing at all. I make one excuse after another. It is becoming so rediculous. This entire thing is depressing me.

My friend said I appear to want to give up. I just do not know what I want. If I give up, what will that prove? Not a lot. It will only prove that I am a quitter and a loser whom is not worth anything. What I really need is to kick myself in the ass. I need to write-and I need to do it right this second. I have to. I can't give up. I won't let everyone down.

Monday, December 21, 2009


Hi All!

As much as this month has dragged on, Christmas and New Years will be here before one can say snow man. At this point, my sort-of break will be coming to a halt, as I prepare my novel to compete in a contest. I suppose I could work on a series of short stories, but then I'd have to do the math. As far as that goes, I'm just plain lazy!

Back to writing. I think the "break" has done me good. I had forgotten that the reason I started writing in the first place was-aside from keeping me busy since I had virtually no social life as a teen-because I enjoyed it. This past week awakened that in me. At first, I thought my friend A. had lost her mind, but I see now that she was right on the money.

The combination of letting myself go so-to-speak, and plowing through a plot bank I have saved on my computer(It's posted in the first entry of my blog if anyone cares to steal, or glance at it.) has turned on the plot bunny car at top speed. Now all I have to remember to do is make my characters and plots fully formed when the time comes.

The other thing I need to ensure is that I am well rested. Lack of sleep makes me extremely unproductive. In fact, I will probably have to take a nap New Years Day depending on how much sleep I get the night before. Not saying going to use that as an excuse, but the point is to come out with something at least semi useable. I'm thinking I should probably set a word count goal for the day. Not sure how much, though. Perhaps, I will talk with my friend about that.

Hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday season. I will keep you guys updated as often as I can. Talk to you all soon.

Monday, December 14, 2009


Hi all!

I don't understand it. I have great ideas. I get all excited about them, but can't answer the simplest questions. Maybe that is the wrong way to word this. I am unable to answer anything past the initial developments. Then, I give up and toss everything aside like it wasn't worth anything. In the end, I accomplish nothing-unless you count me getting really mad over stupid crap.

All it really does is make me look down upon myself. Maybe I am not supposed to be a writer. If all I can do is come up with incomplete plot lines, I am never going to get anywhere. Ug! Now I am saying "oh wo as me!" And for what reason? None that I know of. So I am having a hard time. I'm sure everyone does. I just need to learn to push myself without help. Maybe that is the problem. I always run to people when I get stuck. Should I quit it?

Friday, December 11, 2009

On Writing

Hi Guys!

No. I haven't decided to steal any part of Stephen King's biography. I have my own thoughts to share. In talking with a friend yesterday it came out that I could have possibly worked with this same idea for so long that I ran it into the ground. Prior to yesterday, I never really pondered this. As I mentioned yesterday, I am in the process of creating character charts as well as outlines and summers for a competition I decided to get involved in.

At my friend A.'s suggestion, I am going to put this idea on the back burner for now and start fresh. I am not going to work on this either,but I just thought of something. A while back I dabbled in fanfiction(okay I never finished that story either), but when I started with something new the ideas flowed with greater ease. I'm sure some of it had to do with the fact I already had the majority of my characters created for me, but the new ideas were easier to work with.

I am going to apply this same technique to my original fiction. I don't know at this point if I will end up writing YA as I wanted originally. That is not important to me anymore. All I care about is having a well planned novel by January first of next year.

Some time ago, I found something called a plot bank on-line. I think I am going to skim it for plot ideas later today.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Unsure of Myself

Hi again.

I have been playing with my characters and plot in preparation for a year long writing contest. My story isn't working out as a YA novel the way I wanted it to. Thus, I'm switching to to a yet-to-be-determined genre. That isn't the problem. My problem is manufacturing the characters to allow the plots to flow more freely. I come up with great ideas, but screw them up as I am attempting to execute them. Any suggesttions?

Friday, November 27, 2009

A Real Post-About Writing

Hi all!

I'd like to start off this post by wishing everyone and their families a great Thanksgiving weekend. I hope no one ate too much, or got too drunk to move.I know my post the other day was hastily tossed together. Thus, not make it too informative or easy to understand. Okay. Here goes nothing.

My three month absence wasn't a vacation from writing. Only from my computer. During this time I found I was able to complete more writing than at other times. The only problem will be when I decide it's time take those chapters and decipher them. As they say, you can't win them all.

Sadly, I am not getting a lot of writing done this week. In between my birthday and Thanksgiving, things have been rather crazy around the old house. I am going out for a short while today, but will work on my novel and other writing projects before and after.

Further, my weekend is totally empty(thank God) so I can spend those days on writing to make up for the time I did not. Everyone takes time off, but in the real work world the work itself doesn't halt. I don't have actual deadlines, but I should set them and keep to them. I have begun giving myself a daily routine. Meaning once I'm up I am on the go. No more lazing about for me. (I should mention this has been in affect for a short while already and has made a difference). Anyway, I am off line for now. A check of my clock tells me I have time to get some writing in before lunch. Happy writing everyone

Monday, November 23, 2009

I'm Back

Sorry guys. I'll resume keeping up my journal this week. Had some medical problems lately.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Happy September

Hi All

I am back again with another post. Of late, I have manged to force myself to write a little each day. Unfortunately, this week I am going through a semi emotional time. I'll admit I did cry some in the beginning, but as the day went on more positive experiences took place.

With the support of family and friends, I know I shall be able to get past my problem. Perhaps in doing so my writing abilities will improve. Aside from that, someone requested volunteers to help with a local fund raiser, so I plan to help with this.

Thanks everyone for your patience and kindness. Despite not taking any advice given, I want everyone to know that I did listen. Ug! This post has strayed so far from anything to do with writing. Sorry guys. I needed to get some things off my mind. I am off now, for lunch, and more writing.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Is It True?

Hi guys,

I have been working on my writing this week, but somehow it doesn't matter to me anymore. I'd made a pact with a fellow writer to help "kick each other in the ass". She maintained her part of the bargain, yet I did not. Last night, she commented I did not really care about her. This is most certainly a falsehood. That being said, the friend in question is correct in several respects. My actions don't mirror my words. On the rare occasions I do manage to talk about writing as I promised, I talk about myself and NEVER ask how hers is. Or, if I do, I say okay and steer the conversation back to myself after a few seconds.

My friend keeps giving me chances and I waste them. I do not blame her in anyway, as she has done nothing wrong. Truthfully, if I were her, I'd of given up long ago. Writing isn't always about the amount of writing completed, or what is sent out, or published. A good majority of it is helping out fellow writers in distress, work or personal. When I am stuck on a writing question, or having a bad day, she talks with me and helps me through it. What do I do when the situation is reversed? Basically, push her aside and say "I am important and you are not!"

Last night I argued that I was not selfish. Well, after laying awake for hours last night, I came to the realization that I am. I also realized this is one problem I can't get a friend, or family member to help me solve. The only one that can tackle this one is me, myself, and I.

My friend and I keep talking about making personal goals for our lives. I am making a new goal here and now. I WILL think about others more-especially my writer friend-and be concerned with myself less. If I do not do this, I would like someone, if only virtually, to kick me in the pants!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Back To Work

Hi everyone!

I actually got back in town Thursday night, but today is my first official day back on schedule. Anyway, I was not able to do a lot of writing the way I hoped when I was away. I forgot to account for the fact my cousin and her nine-year-old live with my grandmother. Thus, I wanted to spend time with them. I did succeed in jotting down a few random ideas for my novel, though and have been applying them this morning.

Despite getting enough sleep since returning home, I am having slight trouble being productive. My guess is this the result of hopping through three different time zones in a four day period. I am going to keep plugging away, though. After all, that is what a person who has a regular 9-5 job does. No taking breaks just for the heck of it for them. So none for me either.

On the upside, despite my half-awake state, my ideas are starting to flow together and I should make some real progress on my writing by days end. It's been a slow start, but I refuse to let this knowledge deter me.

This is my update for now. I'm returning to my novel. Hope everyone is having a good day.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Last Entry

Hi all!

Well the last one for a while anyway. As I am leaving Monday to go on vacation, I get to start putting everything together today. Yesterday, I made a list of everything I plan to take with me, so the actual packing shouldn't be too difficult, except that I am the messiest human on the planet-so people keep saying. So today I get to go digging through things and seeing what needs to be washed and all that. I think it is more work to get ready for a vacation than an actual job is.

I'm planning on bringing a notebook with me to write, as we won't be going out much. However, I am worried that not being able to write the first four days will screw me over as far as my story goes. I'm not going to use this as an excuse, though. I just tend to worry too much over somewhat dopey things. Not to say I am a dopey person, I'm not. Basically, I overstate any issue that comes up in my life.

I hear thunder in the distance, so I am signing off here. I'll see everyone when I get back. Until then, happy writing everyone.

Monday, July 27, 2009

My Novel

Hi guys,

It looks like I have finally hit on a direction that works for me. Damn shame it had to happen right before I am scheduled to leave town. While I do plan on writing, I won't be able to bring the completed parts with me. Hopefully, I won't get thrown too far off the beaten path. If nothing else, the change of scenery is sure to inspire me. You know what they say about changing work habits periodically?

In other news, I have been reading more frequently. My goal is a minimum of twenty pages per day. However, I made a rule for myself. If I reach those twenty pages and I'm mid chapter, I have to keep going until that chapter ends. My thinking is by doing that I'll eventually automatically read passed my goal the majority of the time.

While reading, I keep a dictionary handy to look up any words I don't know. Sure I can usually pick up the meaning by the context it's used, but this forces me to see all the meanings of that word. Ergo, forcing me to use my brain before it totally evaporates.

I might add that I don't always enjoy either of these things. It doesn't matter, though. Monday through Friday I write whether I feel up to it or not-well unless I am sick with more than a cold. EVERYDAY I read. I do not allow myself any breaks on that whatsoever. Ever so slowly, I am becoming a more productive person thanks to this.

Anyway, I am off for now. I wrote this morning. It's noon. That means its time for lunch, chores, and reading.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Creative writing

Hi all,

Before I begin writing, I wanted to comment on something. I have been reading various "How to" books concerning the various aspects of the writing field. The one I'm currently plotting through (no pun intended) is "The Idiot's Guide to Creative Writing." I like that series because it approaches serious topics with humor. Nevertheless, I am on chapter four currently. I've been reading it very slowly,as I am underlining various things that could be of use to me at a later date and filling in some blank spots.

In doing this, I have noticed I write better if I force myself to get started as early as humanly possible, and that I can't always work under the same conditions. For instance, sometimes writing to pin drop silence is more disruptive than any tv show, dvd/video, or music could ever be. Without background noise, I take more notice of the so-called white noise, such as my dogs.

There are times, though, I get so into what I'm doing that I hardly see what's going on around me. That is a rarity for me, though. No matter how into my plot I am, the phone is usually a major distraction. Perhaps that is because Mom used to work, which left me at home to deal with that. I know many writers that simply ignore the phone if it rings during a writing session. Unfortunately, I don't have that option.

I have been babbling for quite a while now. I'm not even sure i said anything of substance. Thus, it is time to wrap up this rambling monologue and return to the writing salt minds.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Making Time to Write

Hi all,

I am willing to bet there isn't a writer out there that hasn't come up with excuses to avoid working-myself included. For years, I did not write a single thing. I claimed to have writers block. In the beginning, it probably was. I was under stress at the time, as my family was enduring a medical crisis. Instead of doing something to rectify it after the medical issue came to an end, I made one excuse after another. Still, I called it writers block, but what I was really doing was being lazy. How did I find this out? I started writing fanfiction. I did that on a more regular basis than I did my "real" writing. Finally, family and friends demanded I stop that and get back to business.

I did for a while. Then, I just became lazy again. In fact, I even quit reading this time around. As a result, I was becoming dumber by the second.(okay that is stretching the truth a bit) It wasn't until people put a gun to my head that I did start doing these things.

Now that the weather is warmer, there are a great number of reasons why I "can't" write on any given day. For instance, at least one day a week, I go to a local swimming pool with my Mom. My handwriting is not the greatest in the word, so I can't writ there. So, I have taken to setting an alarm so I can write before I leave the house.

When I go to the pool, I bring a book. If I am not in the water I am reading. Not to say I don't read at other times, but especially then. I tried top read a little bit every day, although sometime I do get genuanly busy, especially on the weekends.

I am going on vacation soon. I am even planning to take a pad and paper with me to write at my grandmothers house. Basically, I am forcing myself to get my butt in gear. This time, I am staying on schedule, even if someone has to super glue me to the chair, chain me to the desk, and stand over me until I do!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Help From Others

Hi all!

I went downstairs for something and Mom told me she submitted my name to be on Ophra. According to her, she is offering to help people if someone sends in their name and says something interesting about them. While the chances of me getting picked are low, it is kind of nice to know she thought of me. However, I am wondering if going on a show like that would be of any help for real. Sure people get things this way.( I saw it on the Montel Show enough times.) But, is being a shy writer a good enough reason to put my name out there?

Friday, May 29, 2009

Teen Talk

Hi All!

I was just going over some comments a friend of mine made on the first few paragraphs of my novel. I never really thought about this before, but for a YA novel, I sure don't sound very much like a young adult. I've always had a problem with being over descriptive. I'm thinking this has to do with a comment my sixth grade teacher made to me. She always said it was a great idea to use flowery words.

Anyway, I do agree with my friend. Big words are great, but using too many slows down the story. I think it may even be slowing this blog entry down. Oh well!

It is time for me to log off this site now. I am going to make the changes my friends suggested, and then make sure I apply them to the remainder of my book. Happy Writing!

Monday, May 18, 2009

New Book

Hi all!

I got a book from the library that solves all the problems I've been having at one time. After spending the weekend observing all the information from the book, I am ready to do actual work! Time to get going. See you you later.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Hi all!

While I have been working on my novel more, I still have not sent stuff off to be published. I decided today that this week I am heading to the library. At this point, I will be checking out and reading some of the books authors for children want! If I have not done something by the end of the month, I may as well quit and have myself committed.

I tried in vain to write a cover letter today, but I just couldn't figure out what to do. Finally, I conferred with a fellow writer, who told me each cover letter needed to be molded differently. She pointed something out to me that I honestly would never thought of. All publishers, even if they are requesting the same, or similar type stories, are different. I;m sure people have mentioned this to me a million times. However, I never have listened. It is high time I start.

I'm going now. All this attempting at composing a cover letter has left me slightly exhausted. Wish me luck. Oh! Happy writing to everyone.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Publishers Again

Hi all!

This morning I took that list I'd made last week and looked some of them up on line, making a new list as I went with current information. I've got a list of four to use as a starting point. I guess that's a good beginning. I figure I'll look up a few every day. Or look up some rest, and do it again. This way I am not staring at the screen for hours on end. Anyway, I'm going to take a break from the computer. I want to do some writing later on.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Hi guys! I hope this entry makes sense. Anyway, I spent a large portion of the afternoon looking up publishers. I have a book that is supposed to give me all the information on what publishers want nowadays. Why is it that nine times out of ten they tell you to look everything up on-line? I realize at this point everyone is on-line. I am willing to bet some kids don't even know what playing outside is! Anyway, why have the book at all if it is simply going to tell me to look stuff up on the web? Is it just me, or is that kind of pointless?

Okay. Sorry this is short. I just needed to get that out in the open. I'll update again later.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I'm Back

Hi guys!

I can't believe I let over a month pass without giving an update. Things at my house have been somewhat on the crazy side. On top of everything, we started this month off with having a snow storm that knock out my electricity. If this was a result of that, I'll never know, but the following day I managed to have four seizures by noon. The doctor claims there is nothing for me to worry about I am not sure about that. I have zero memory of most of what occurred the next two days. I even forgot to call someone!

Anyway, ever since then I have been enduring odd periods of time when I am so weak I can hardly sit up. I have work on my writing as much as I can, but I honestly do not believe I am being very productive. And the stuff I am producing makes zero sense. Even to me.

I need to go now. I still want to attempt to force myself to be "normal" no matter how much I feel like crawling into bed and staying there.

Monday, February 16, 2009

A New Month

Ug! I have not updated at all this month. Not good. I guess that is because this isn't really anything knew to report. Since my friend and I set that word writing goal, I have started writing more anyway. Regretfully, I am not asking my friend about her stuff. I need to improve on that.

This entry is very short. For that, I am sorry. I did not sleep particularly well. While I am not using this as an excuse not to write, I am finding it very hard to put my thoughts together to complete this blog entry. I will write another one later.

Friday, January 30, 2009

A Writer's Dedication

Hello all!

I trust that since it is Friday morning many of you are busily trying to get through your final work day and begin your weekend. I've been up for a while myself, but am just now about to start actual writing.

Before I did so, however, I wanted to make a mention of a conversation I had with a fellow writer yesterday. She pointed out to me that unlike most writers I basically have an infinate amount of free time, but very seldome do I use that time to my benefit. In between things like favorite television shows and pulling my dogs away from the windows, quite often whole days pass with nothing accomplished. In any case, my friend is unhappy with her work habits, also.

She suggested we each set a word goal for the day. I am looking at it as though it is sort of a writer's work out. I am going to get my productivity into shape! I was afraid of overwhelming myself, so we set the "beginners" goal to be 600 words per day Monday-Friday with no excuses. Weekends are optional.

I probably won't write on my weekends, with the exception of something hindering me from working during a normal work day. Moreover, I am determined to start treating this as a real "job". That means no tv during the day. No answering the phone-unless it is my parents, of course. Basically, I won't allow myself to do anything my parents can't do while working. I'll be charting my progress each day, as well. My writing buddy and I are hoping these things will help motivate us in the right employment direction.

I have sat here long enough. It's time for me to do some real writing!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Election

Hi all!

I know I said this journal was going to be for writing, but I think this is important enough to mention, as well. As ashamed as I am to admit this, I usually ignore the news totaly. Today, however, I find myself watching all of what I usually call "the boring stuff" as I work. This is definately a major milestone for the United States.

When I was still in school, on the day the new president was sworn in, my class ate lunch in the classroom so we could watch it. Back then, I think that was more for the teachers than the students. Most of my friends, at least, couldn't care less who ran the country at the time. I know I didn't!

Okay. So far all I have done is talk about myself and my life. That was not the point of this entry. The actual point was the observe how far along the country had come. When George Washing was elected many years ago, I am not sure he would have ever thought decades later a black man would be chosen as president. Although she didn't get far in the running, it was also the first election when a woman ran for this office. That, too, was a major step.

It probably sounds like I am repeating things I've heard others say. I'd like to take a moment to let you know this wasn't the case. I am just having a difficult time describing everything that is going on. I guess I should've been paying closer attention last year.

Anyway, I am going to sign off now. Hope everyone had a great day.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Novel

Hi everybody!

Well I would love to say my novel is going exactly as I planned for it to. However, like most things I, or anyone for that matter, set out to do, it seems to be getting off to a very slow beginning. Okay. I took a couple of days and did some planning and fleshed out some of the story characters. I am not clear if that is actually counted in the writing. If it is, I am doing semi descent. It helps that I'm no longer forced to share my computer with my mother, as she finally got hers back.

I have officially started the writing today. Because I created characters and did outlines and the like, that should probably go a bit more smoothly. Then again, I've never gone through the entire preparing process before hand, so we will just have to wait and see.

I cleaned up my writing area yesterday somewhat. Of cource, now I can't find anything. This is why I shouldn't put my things in their designated location. Only when my things are sitting in randome locations am I capable of finding them. Such is life I suppose. Does anyone else go through this besides me? If they do, any tips to help me work around this issue?

Now that I have wasted a small amount of time, I'm going to get down to the nitty gritty and write! I'll report in a few days and let everyone know if all this prior work was of any help to me.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Medical News!

Hi all!

Yesterday my dr. told me my siezure count was back down enough so that I could resume a normal life. Heck, he even inquired why I wasn't in college or working. So in short, it's back to writing I go. Wish me luck.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year, New Beginning

Hi all. I have decided to use the birth of the new year as a fresh start to my blog. I have tried to maintain such bloggs in the past and failed miserably. I am determined to have this one be a success.

I have been trying in vain to write a young adult novel since I was in high school. As I will also be working on submitting various short stories, I am unsure if the novel will be completed before 2010. However, I definately intend to make some progress. The idea I have been pushing does not seem to be working. So I am going to begin yet again. This time I intend to use a fresh idea.

Speaking of writing, I intend to be more persistant in completing and sending children's books. I want to move out of my parents house. I can't do that until I find some way to make a money-or marry a very rich man. I am twenty-five years old! It is high time I get off my ass and do something with myself.

Oh! I had the link to something called a plot bank posted in my blogg before. It was a big hit, so I am going to repost it here. For now, though, I am signing off. Happy writing!